Baorian Nuchged(Rian Bao)
Ph.D candidate, Psycholinguistics
The University of Texas at Austin

Hi, this is Baorian. I am a Ph.D candidate in Linguistics at The University of Texas at Austin. My research interest lies in how defective speech is processed by human. To explore this topic, I studied the relationship between computational linguistics, second language (L2) speech, and psycholinguistic data. Recently, I adopted a mutual-information-based functional load model to quantify the information loss of L2 Chinese speech. Then I explored the relation between information loss and comprehensibility.


  • Computational Linguistics
  • Speech Comprehension
  • Second Language Comprehensibility
  • Psycholinguistics


The University of Texas at Austin
2023 - present
Ph.D Psycholinguistics
Beijing Language and Culture University
2020 - 2023
M.A. Language intelligence and technology
graduated with Outstanding Graduation Dissertation Award, supervised by Prof. Jinsong Zhang!
East China Normal University
2015 - 2019
B.A. English
graduated with Outstanding Graduation Dissertation Award, supervised by Prof. Jisheng Zhang!

Job Experiences

  • Nio, Data Processor Intern , March, 2023 – present
  • ByteDance AI-Lab, English data linguist , March, 2022 – July, 2022
  • DataBaker, Annotator , October, 2021 – December, 2021
  • Zhiyuan Education, English Teacher , January, 2020 – May, 2020

Recent Publications

see my research gate for the latest list
An Exploratory Study for Quantifying the Contextual Information for Successful Chinese L2 Speech Comprehension., 2022, (ISCSLP 2022)
Rian Bao , Linkai Peng , Yuchen Yan , Jinsong Zhang
The Contribution of Phonological and Fluency Factors to Chinese L2 Comprehensibility Ratings: A Case Study of Urdu-speaking Learners., 2022, (ISCSLP 2022)
Rian Bao , Linkai Peng , Yingming Gao , Jinsong Zhang
The Contributions of Initials and Finals to L2 Chinese Comprehensibility Based on Functional Load Principle., 2022, (IALP 2022)
Rian Bao , Linkai Peng , Jinsong Zhang
DOI: 10.1109/IALP57159.2022.9961277
The Importance of Lexical Tone for Sentence Understanding: Utilizing Functional Load Principle to Simulate Comprehension Process., 2022, (IALP 2022)
Rian Bao , Linkai Peng , Yuchen Yan , Jinsong Zhang
DOI: 10.1109/IALP57159.2022.9961243
Contextual Vowel Nasalization in Mongolian., 2021, (IALP 2021)
Yin Bao , Rian Bao
DOI: 10.1109/IALP54817.2021.9675254
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